Intern to General Member

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How to Get Involved?

You can be involved with PASAE in many different ways. You can apply to be an intern, be a general member, or help us fund our events by donating.

PASAE Internship

Being an intern for PASAE is a great experience. You can make new friends, become part of a supportive community, take part in networking opportunities, gain mentors, receive advice on class schedules, and much more. As an intern, you work closely with a current core member. Our core is the board of officers for PASAE, which is organized into three components: Internal, External, and Creative.

Executive Component

  • Oversees all responsibilities of Executive Core
  • Represents the face of PASAE to the entire Pilipinx Community, including but not limited to, Pil-Exec Meetings, Pilipinx Senator Townhall, etc.
  • In the case of vacant core positions, assumes responsibility of those positions’ duties
  • Internal Component


  • Responsible for managing the internship program
  • Coordinates regular meetings with the interns, separate from core meetings
  • Creates the syllabus for the field studies course
  • Responsible for managing the Secretary, Social Chair, and Treasurer
  • Manages schedules
  • Keeps a record of all proceedings of PASAE
  • Keeps an up-to-date list of all members
  • Responsible for the disbursement of authorized funds and the banking and accounting of all organization funds
  • Submits a monthly financial report and conducts all financial transactions of this organization
  • Schedules and organizes all social activities, including but not limited to mixers, hangouts, social activities, and outings
  • External Component


  • Assists the President in all external business concerning this organization
  • Liaison to the Pilipinx American Alumni Chapter as well as existing professional organizations (i.e. FASTER, Princeton Review) and industry contacts
  • Assists the President as an external liaison for the organization to campus organizations and alumni
  • In charge of organizing and coordinating the Alumni Dinner each semester
  • Responsible for managing the Engineering, Environmental Design, and Science Representatives
  • Professional liaison between PASAE students and FASTER: Filipino Americans in Silicon Valley Tech
  • Organizes programming to represent the needs of both students and FASTER
  • Be an academic liaison to life science majors such as MCB, IB, and CNR students
  • Organizes programming and resources (newsletters) to represent the needs of those students
  • Be an academic liaison to computer science and EECS students as well as anyone taking computer science classes
  • Organizes programming and resources (newsletters) to represent the needs of those students
  • Compiles PASAE & other Berkeley resources
  • Academic liaison to engineering majors
  • Organizes programming and resources (newsletters) to represent the needs of those students
  • Academic liaison to majors of the College of Environmental Design
  • Organizes programming and resources (newsletters) to represent the needs of those students
  • Creative Component


  • Ensures people both inside and outside of PASAE know what PASAE does and how we do it
  • Creates unique advertisements
  • In charge of PASAErenades, one of PASAE's main fundraisers
  • Supervises the creation of flyers, videos, and events marketing, and delegate both core members and interns to do the aforementioned tasks
  • Responsible for managing the Historian, Webmaster, and Public Relations.
  • Maintains and updates the PASAE website, editing and adding features as necessary
  • In charge of integrating resources into our website and disseminating such resources to our members
  • Along with the Creative Director, responsible for managing the Creative Component
  • Documents and record all accomplishments and events through various media (video, photography, etc.)
  • Maintains archive materials
  • Manages the PASAE website and Facebook page
  • In charge of event publicity
  • Maintains and update the PASAE webpage
  • Edits or adds features as necessary
  • Intern Experience

    If you're still hesitant about joining, check out what some of our past interns had to say about PASAE.

    General Member

    A general member is a member who attends PASAE events but does not intern under an officer. As a general member, you can attend PASAE's general meetings and open PASAE events! Make sure to stay connected by liking our Facebook page!